
Western blot vs elisa hiv
Western blot vs elisa hiv

western blot vs elisa hiv

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western blot vs elisa hiv

Told I was conclusively negative by the clinic specialist Thought I had moved on, but have now slipped back into the anxiety of thinking perhaps the Elisa is picking up really ‘low level’ evidence of the virus (somehow affected by the PEP perhaps?) and the WB is somehow ‘missing’ the virus and reporting false negatives, or there’s been a laboratory WB testing error.twice. Once again Elisa came back on the border and Western Blot negative. Phew Unfortunately I was unable to move past the initial Elisa result, and after struggling with anxiety went for another test at the same clinic 12 months post cunnilingus exposure, even though they advised me NOT to test again (7 months after initial tests). They thought it was a false positive but ran Western Blot as protocol which came back as negative. To my horror, I had a call saying I’d come back “slightly reactive” on the Elisa (index of 1.08 or words to that effect). 5 months post cunnilingus (4 months post PEP completion) went to a DIFFERENT clinic as anxiety had gotten the better of me, for an STI screen including 4th generation HIV. Tested at day 1 (negative), and day 25 (negative). Freaked out I went to an STI clinic where I convinced them to prescribe me PEP 36hrs post exposure against their better judgement. Over 18 months ago I performed unprotected cunnilingus with a random hookup (no other sexual acts beyond kissing and fingering). If an ELISA test is negative, but you think you may have HIV, you should be tested again in one to three months. I’ve tested numerous times for HIV over last 5 years, always negative, always low/no risk exposures (protected intercourse, cunnilingus). If an ELISA test is positive, the Western blot test is usually administered to confirm the diagnosis. I’m a straight male living in New Zealand. And I definitely have HIV phobia, of that I’m sure.

Western blot vs elisa hiv